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Make a Complaint / Contact Us

Our Office reviews complaints concerning the actions of the Department for Children and Families (DCF) and “any entity that provides services to children, youth, and families through funds provided by the Department.” We are receiving a high volume of complaints and have only two full time employees. Please be patient with our response times. There are multiple ways to get in contact with us. We will be adding more contact methods in the near future:

  1. Call us at (802) 828 – 2828 and leave a confidential voicemail. You can leave your name, contact number, and information about your complaint and someone from OCYFA will reach out to you to schedule a time to discuss further.
  2. Email us at with your name, contact information, and general information about your complaint. This email address is only accessible to employees of the Office.
  3. Text us at 802-312-1010 with your name, contact information, and general information about your complaint. This chat is only accessible to employees of the Office.

All calls to our Office are confidential, with the exception that we are mandated reporters according to Vermont Law.